Training Services
We often forget to teach them what we want them to do and instead punish them for doing the wrong thing. I know many trainers who base their whole training ethos around this.
Investing a bit of effort in understanding and teaching your dog as opposed to whacking it for getting something wrong isn’t always easy, but will always pay dividends and develop a stronger relationship with a well behaved, well trained and happy dog. Few owners need or want an obedience champion. But having a well behaved, well socialised and responsive dog is one of life’s great pleasures and a source of pride.
Owners that take a pride in their dog generally take responsibility for all aspects of their dog’s lives, keeping them healthy and safe. Training plays an important part in achieving both.
Training keeps both you and your dog fit, physically and mentally. Ever heard the phrase, the devil makes work for idle hands? Well believe me the same goes just as well for idle paws. Dogs lacking in mental stimulation are often the ones that get into mischief. The dog rescue centres are full of dogs that had they been given some training and the accompanying mental stimulation that goes with it, would be asleep at home in front of the fire now, dreaming of a lifelong relationship with their families.

Head Start For Puppies
Start your new puppy on the right path with one of our Head Start Packs. Having taken the trouble to seek out the right puppy for your family, remember you will be sharing your life with the little fellow for the next 10 to 15 years. Give your puppy the best start by investing in one of our Puppy Packs.
The service can start with helping you select the right puppy from the litter, whilst most breeders are careful to place a puppy in the right family, often the sight of a little bundle of fur lets your judgment go out of the window and the lively little chap you think you want will spend the next few years running you ragged. A quieter litter mate might be more appropriate.
Usually, the service will begin with a discussion to help you prepare for your new arrival, followed by a home visit to set you on the right path, regarding caring for puppy and important things such as toilet training.
This is followed up by 2 one to one training sessions at the training school to ensure meeting people, dogs, lead walking, and recall are learned correctly from the outset.
What if I already Have My Puppy?
Simply give Cosford Dog Training a call and we will arrange a home visit to help you address all the immediate issues involved in puppy ownership. Sleeping, feeding, house training, play, and stimulation. This is followed up by a couple of home visits to get you started with training, even before your pup can go outdoors.
This is ideal preparation for one of our Good Citizen courses in the company of other puppies.
One To One Training
One to one training is usually undertaken at Cosford Dog Training but may in certain circumstances take place at your home, perhaps you are unable to attend the training class due to lack of transport or unusual work patterns training sessions can be arranged at your own home or in the area where you usually exercise your dog.
One-to-one training sessions generally last for about an hour, unless the specific problem requires longer or shorter sessions.
All aspects of basic obedience training can be undertaken during one-to-one sessions or specific problem areas, such as pulling on the lead or poor recall can be addressed.
If you have ever felt embarrassed or awkward when dealing with your less than perfect dog in a class situation these sessions allow you to deal with problems in a one-to-one, professionally coached situation. This invariably results in you learning more quickly and consequently getting a better response from your dog.
Ideally, this is used as a stepping stone to get you and your dog integrated into one of the regular group training classes.
If you have any concerns or questions to ask feel free to phone and discuss your dog’s particular needs. Dog training is not a one size fits all solution for every dog or indeed dog owner. I am quite prepared to tailor the training program to the needs of you and your dog.

Kennel Club Good Citizen Dog Scheme Courses
Basic training is primarily geared toward the Kennel Club Good Citizen Dog Scheme Awards. We have been running these awards for 22 years from the Bronze Course through to the Gold award. Cosford Dog Training is the only dog training school in the area that offers all levels of the scheme. We do take clients from other training schools who wish to progress, but we always give our own former clients priority on courses.
For more info on the KCGCDS Scheme follow Kennel Club
The KCGCDS is an ideal introduction to basic dog training and building a strong relationship with your dog. Courses can be done to achieve a good basic standard or used as a stepping stone into many other aspects of dog training.
There are separate courses for Puppy Foundation, Bronze, Silver and Gold.
You all start and finish together to develop team spirit and benefit from mutual support and encouragement.
Dog Warden Training
Cosford Dog Training offers bespoke 3-Day training courses for Dog Wardens. Course content includes among other subjects:
Canine Aggression Awareness and Assessment.
Practical Dog Control skills
Use of Safety Equipment
Instruction in Canine-Related Legislation
Conflict Resolution
Evidence Gathering and Presentation

Behaviour Modifications
There are no standard qualifications for canine behaviourists and many of those claiming to be experts are nothing of the kind. Some franchisers claim to be able to turn you into a behaviourist after a 6-month course, oh and after paying them a lot of money for a manual and a shiny van.
There are many other bodies that award their own qualifications. Obviously, some of these organisations have a vested interest in you passing their course or they wouldn’t have many members. I have lost count of the number of individuals who claim they used to train Police/Guide/Guinea pig rescue (delete as applicable) dogs.
Don’t be afraid to ask about a person's, qualifications and experience, then go and verify what they claim to possess. If you are investing a lot of money and the welfare of your dog to this person, be certain you make the correct decision.
For my part, I hold a Foundation Degree in Canine Behaviour & Training by Hull University, coupled with 34 years of experience as a Service Police and Military Working Dog (MWD) training in the Armed Forces. You will note that my qualifications and experience is all aimed at dogs, for other species I recommend you seek out an expert in their own field.
I am a canine practitioner with the Canine and Feline Behaviour Association. In order to gain membership practitioners must be academically qualified to a very high level and have extensive practical training experience.
As a CFBA practitioner, my expertise is recognised by all the UK’s leading Insurance companies and my fees can be recovered on your pet insurance.
How I Conduct Behaviour Modification - A Lifelong Fix, Not Short Term Tricks
For dogs with behavioural problems, the starting point is invariably a home visit to see the dog in its natural environment. This is where the dog generally displays the problem behaviour and therefore is the most appropriate place to see it displayed in all its glory.
I cannot assess problem behaviour over the telephone or in an artificial environment. Others may claim to be able to do it, but I can’t, so I don’t make misleading claims.
The initial consultation will generally take between two and two and a half hours during this time the dog is observed in the circumstances when it displays the problem behaviour. Wherever the problem manifests itself, that’s where the consultation takes place. It may be inconvenient but it is effective.
You, the owner are supplied with a full, detailed written report is supplied within seven days. This can be sent via the post or more commonly via e-mail. This report is written by me and is specific to you and your dog. It is not a generic printed leaflet. The report is supported by practical behaviour modification training sessions with you and your dog. I do not leave you to get on with it.

This report is the only starting point for the programme. It is essential that close contact is maintained between us, in order that the programme can be amended as progress occurs. The behaviour modification report is a living document which needs to be amended as we move forward with the dog.
For dogs with many kinds of aggression issues, the work following the consultation is carried out at Cosford Dog Training, in a safe environment, with trained staff and trained dogs to assist in achieving the desired outcome in a completely safe manner. You will only work in public areas when sufficient progress has been made. You are not left to your own devices but are supported throughout. I believe that we are the only establishment offering this level of service and facilities in the Midlands.
Behaviour modification takes time and effort. Unless you have both to put into your dog I cannot help you. A programme typically lasts at least 3 months. If you contact a “trainer” who claims he can fix your dog’s behavioural issues quickly, as many do, listen very carefully; that jingling sound you can hear are their spurs, as commonly worn by cowboys!
You might be interested in the photo below. This shows Mara 2nd from the right performing a 10-minute stay in the company of about 10 unknown dogs. Mara was a rescue dog from Ireland and had the serious dog to dog aggression issues, chased traffic and barked incessantly. Her success is due to the hard work put in by her new owners with support and guidance from my behaviour modification programme and training classes. Mara finished in second place in the trial. (Not bad eh?)
Educational and Training Presentations
Training presentations and practical demonstrations are available to schools, colleges and other organisations. Such presentations may cover a variety of subjects from the use of Military and Police Dogs, responsible dog ownership, Dog Safety and Dogs in Society presentations. Please phone or e mail to discuss your requirements.
Training by Appointment
Please note that all training is by prior appointment or booking on a course. We do not operate a drop in service. All dogs must have a record of inoculation. Unfortunately no certificate means no training. We do accept homeopathic inoculations when issued via a recognised practitioner.
Terms & Conditions
By booking training customers agree to these terms and conditions.